
Growing numbers of patients need ongoing professional medical services when they return home to reduce hospital readmission. 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 and 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理-波托马克 help patients to regain and retain their level of function and independently manage their health care needs. 采用协调一致的方法,强调个性化护理, 这个团队与医生密切合作, 推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属一起计划, 审查进展情况并对护理计划进行调整.



The 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 and 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理-波托马克 provide health services, 比如熟练的护理, 物理治疗和语言治疗, 让推荐十大正规网赌平台在自己舒适的家中. Care Compare是一个资源, created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. 卫生与公众服务部, which allows consumers to compare home health agency performance in a variety of ways, 包括它自己的星级评定标准. Care Compare shows how often each home health agency used best practices when caring for its patients and 患者在某些重要的护理领域是否有所改善.

The quality of patient care star rating is a quarterly summary measure of agency performance based on how well a home health agency performs on nine of the individual quality measures reported on Medicare’s Care Compare. These measures were selected to give a general overview of agency performance on measures that apply to the most people.

计算推荐十大正规网赌平台护理质量星级, home health agencies must have reported data for five of the nine measures used in the star rating calculation.


Quality home care is a critical component to ensure patients receive necessary treatment after a hospital stay or for medical conditions that may require it. 家庭护理人员培训护理人员并聘请病例管理人员, 社区医生, 保险公司为推荐十大正规网赌平台提供全方位的护理. 通过及时干预护理, 预防跌倒干预措施, 药物监测和教育, 以及对某些疾病途径的远程推荐十大正规网赌平台监测, 家庭护理提供者可以降低再入院的风险.

Prospective home health care patients and families can use Home Health Compare results to objectively see how well health agencies care for their patients, 每个机构在照顾推荐十大正规网赌平台时多久使用一次最佳做法, 患者在某些重要的护理领域是否有所改善, and what other patients said about their recent home health care experience to help determine which home care group is best for them.


better than average Better than average
worse than average Worse than average
家庭健康推荐十大正规网赌平台护理质量(与马里兰州比较 State Average)
Metric 马里兰州平均海损 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理小组 波托马克家庭保健中心
Quality Rating 5 stars 5 stars
行走/运动的改善 87.7% 83.0% worse than average 82.2% worse than average
提高起床能力 89.1% 83.6% worse than average 84.9% worse than average
改善沐浴服务 88.3% 82.4% worse than average 85.5% worse than average
推荐十大正规网赌平台功能能力评估 99.3% 100% better than average 100% better than average
改善呼吸 91.3% 87.8% worse than average 94.2% better than average
新的或恶化的压力疮* 0.3% 0.7% worse than average 0.2% better than average
及时开始护理 96.1% 99.2% better than average 98.8% better than average
提高患者对药物的了解 98.9% 99.8% better than average 99.8% better than average
患者正确用药的改善 85.1% 75.7% worse than average 79.3% worse than average
正在注射流感疫苗的推荐十大正规网赌平台 78.2% 75.6% worse than average 90.4% better than average
药物问题得到及时解决 96.7% 96.6% worse than average 99.5% better than average
患者经历过一次或多次严重的跌倒 injury* 0.8% 0.4% better than average 0.5% better than average
推荐十大正规网赌平台需要多久入住一次 Hospital* 13.2% 13.1% better than average 13.9% worse than average
推荐十大正规网赌平台多久需要一次急诊室护理* 11.7% 9.5% better than average 9.7% better than average


除非标注*,分数越低越好 performance.


注:在全国范围内,大多数机构处于“中间”位置。 3星或3.5星是这9个网站的平均评分 measures. 评级高于3.5星意味着是一家机构 与其他机构相比,表现优于平均水平. A 星级评级低于3表示该机构的表现为 低于其他家庭保健机构的平均水平."



Approximately 85 percent of 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理 and 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理-波托马克 patients are coming from a hospital setting. Prior to discharge, 家居护理协调员, 在约翰·霍普金斯医学院的每个医院都有战略位置, 与家庭护理人员协调, hospital care teams, patients and their caregivers to ensure that patients will begin to receive care within 48 hours.


Home care staff provide patients with a patient-friendly medication list to teach patients and/or caregivers how to manage medication information. The team uses this document to review with patients each of their medications and ensure they are taking the medications as prescribed. This assists them in transitioning into managing their own care, as soon as possible. Home care staff use the patient-friendly medication list as a tool to review and discuss medication purpose, dose, 多长时间服用一次,有什么副作用.

Comprehensive education and communication help patients learn to manage themselves when caregivers aren’t there. 这使患者能够重新获得并保持他们的独立性.


Home care rehabilitation staff members execute a comprehensive assessment of each patient’s needs and home environment to create an individualized care plan with instructions on a home exercise plan. Patients’ living environments are assessed and staff may make recommendations to minimize fall risk.


Mindy Nadel作为家庭护理治疗师, Mindy Nadel says there is no cookie-cutter approach and instead provides highly specialized care to each of her patients.

Mindy Nadel

“The best part of my job as a physical therapist is taking care of the patients and helping them reach their highest potential. My first visit in the home is a thorough evaluation to ensure that every aspect of care is covered: an in-depth home safety assessment, 评估患者的功能活动能力, 力量和平衡, 疼痛和水肿处理, 耐用的医疗设备需求, 以及对任何适用的手术部位或伤口护理的评估. I can then apply exactly what each patient needs based on his or her environment and develop a personalized home exercise program. I always ask my patients what their goals are and then work with them to problem-solve, 改善其功能状态, 尽可能帮助他们感受最好的自己.

One of my favorite patients was an elderly lady who had fallen and fractured her hip and wrist. 因为她年事已高, she was not a surgical candidate to repair her hip and was not allowed to walk. 当她出院回家的时候, I worked with her and her caregivers on transfer training from her hospital bed to her wheelchair. A few months later, her orthopaedist prescribed home care again to begin gait training. 她开始好转了, 从卧床不起到坐轮椅, 最后又能走路了, 这一切都发生在她自己的家里. 她的精神和态度都很好. It is so rewarding to help my patients and encourage them to reach their full potential while discovering what they are capable of.”




Patient Resources


The organization’s quality and safety performance may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We would urge patients to consider more recent performance in combination with historical performance. Patients may benefit from discussing with their healthcare provider the disruptions COVID-19 may have caused on quality and safety of care.

See how 约翰霍普金斯医学院 prioritizes safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.